1 If I have contact with a suspected patient with no symptoms 6分50秒
2 The SARS-virus 3分25秒
3 The MERS-virus 1分54秒
4 The Ebola-virus 4分15秒
5 Summary 1分25秒
6 What is the COVID-19 (1) 1分5秒
7 What is the COVID-19 (2) 3分44秒
8 Does the COVID-19 have any formidable opponents 1分14秒
9 How does the COVID-19 spread to humans 1分18秒
10 Who are vulnerable to infection (Susceptible Group) 52秒
11 The symptoms of the COVID-19 infection and its difference from influenza 39秒
12 What symptoms may occur after being infected with the COVID-19 1分35秒
13 What are the differences between COVID-19 pneumonia, the common cold, and influenza 7分31秒
14 How to prevent COVID-19 pneumonia infection 38秒
15 What is the droplet transmission 1分9秒
16 What is contact transmission 34秒
17 How to properly and effectively prevent COVID-19 infections 16分23秒
18 What should you do if you are infected with a new coronavirus 4分47秒
19 What should you pay attention to when visiting a doctor 2分9秒
20 What is the medical procedure?What tests are needed to confirm the diagnosis 2分31秒
21 How to cooperate during quarantine and treatment after the diagnosis 45秒
22 How to quarantine yourself at home 55秒
23 How to carry out quarantine at home 2分44秒
24 How can disinfection be carried out during the quarantine 2分52秒
25 How can family members avoid cross infection during the quarantine 2分16秒
26 If you are in an epidemic area, how can you ensure safety 1分9秒
27 Protect yourself 2分56秒
28 Minimize transmission 4分27秒
29 Exercise regularly to strengthen your immunity 58秒
30 What preparations should volunteers make 3分3秒
31 Make good physical protection 3分7秒
32 Make mental preparations 1分19秒
33 Manage your emotions 34秒
34 Organizational guarantee 1分11秒
35 Precautions for high risk groups 8分52秒
36 Common psychological responses (1) 1分36秒
37 Common psychological responses (2) 2分59秒
38 What to do if you are over anxious 1分24秒
39 What is excessive anxiety 1分41秒
40 What should we do if we have excessive anxiety (1) 4分54秒
41 What should we do if we have excessive anxiety (2) 37秒
42 COVID-19 Pneumonia is coming, and I take body temperature again and agian 2分37秒
43 How to identify whether the physical discomfort is asomatization reaction or a symptom after infection 1分40秒
44 Why is there asomatization reaction 1分46秒
45 How to deal with somatization 2分50秒
46 How to adjust when feeling depressed 2分22秒
47 Accepting your depressive mood 1分5秒
48 Tracing the souce of depression 55秒
49 Changing mind 1分12秒
50 Finding positive emotions 1分6秒
51 Taking action 36秒
52 Aerobic exercise 2分15秒
53 COVID-19 is coming and my hands are exfoliated due to washing too many times. What should I do 6分8秒
54 Causes of overreaction 1分48秒
55 Three ways to adjust overreaction 6分19秒
56 What should I do if I can not fall asleep during the onset of this COVID-19 9分21秒
57 How can frontline medical staff adjust themselves (1) 4分38秒
58 How can frontline medical staff adjust themselves (2) 3分46秒
59 How can frontline medical staff adjust themselves (3) 1分1秒
60 If we are quarantined, how to keep the psychological line of defense 2分1秒
61 Getting official news, never listening to rumors 55秒
62 Facing the fact of being “quarantined” 1分35秒
63 Rejecting catastrophic negative cognition 1分44秒
64 Healthy diet and routine of work and relaxation 1分3秒
65 Seeking social support 56秒
66 Positive psychosomatic therapy 1分3秒
67 Hope lies ahead 1分23秒
68 As a family member, I am going to breakdown (1) 3分8秒
69 As a family member, I am going to breakdown (2) 3分29秒
70 I can not believe I lost my close ones 7分57秒
71 How to reduce the psychological damage to children 2分7秒
72 Impact of the epidemic on children 3分12秒
73 How to help children with the psychological adjustment 9分0秒
74 Relaxation 2分27秒
75 Breathing boost 1分34秒
76 Abdominal breathing relaxation exercise 1分40秒
77 Meditation (1) 53秒
78 Meditation (2) 2分9秒
79 Meditation (3) 6分22秒
80 Safety island 12分11秒
81 Positive suggestion 4分37秒
82 Indoor exercise methods (1) 1分15秒
83 Indoor exercise methods (2) 4分35秒
84 Indoor exercise methods are plenty, and traditional fitness methods have their benefit (1) 2分48秒
85 Indoor exercise methods are plenty, and traditional fitness methods have their benefit (2) 1分4秒
86 Indoor exercise methods are plenty, and traditional fitness methods have their benefit (3) 1分48秒
87 Other options for indoor exercise 7分6秒
88 Indoor exercise precautions 3分24秒
89 Nutritional recipes 2分56秒
90 Defeat the virus with united strength (1) 4分44秒
91 Defeat the virus with united strength (2) 12分59秒
92 Preface 9分15秒